1. The journal publishes articles that have scientific novelty, relevance, practical significance.
2. To publish an article in the journal, you must send an e-mail to the editorial office of info@finanec.ru in one file (in Word format) the author’s questionnaire and the text of the article that were prepared in accordance with “Requirements for the content and design of scientific articles accepted for publication in the journal “
3. Within a period of not more than 5 days, the editorial staff reviews the article in accordance with the “Rules for reviewing and publishing scientific articles to the editors of the journal Financial Economics” and informs the author about the publication of the article, its rejection or direction for revision.
4. Adoption of an article for publication implies a free, perpetual transfer by an author (authors) of an article of non-exclusive copyrights of the editorial board. All authors have exclusive rights. The editors reserve the right to literary and spelling of the text of the article when preparing it for publication.
5. Articles of the journal’s subscribers are published free of charge. The editorial office sends the authors a copy of the journal with the published article by postal parcel. The cost of the semi-annual subscription is 7500 rubles, the cost of making an additional copy of the journal is 1000 rubles.