International scientific activity. In the last 5 years, an international scientific team has been created. The editorial board includes 4 scientists from the near and far abroad, whose scientific interests cover various areas, but each at the same time, one way or another, studies the financial aspects of the problems being studied.
It is assumed that in the coming three-year period, the processes of integrating foreign experience into the domestic practice of periodicals will be significantly strengthened, including through the participation of foreign members of the editorial board, the publication of articles by foreign authors in the Financial Economy, the results of joint scientific and practical conferences and other measures.
Each issue of the journal, as well as on the corresponding website on the Internet, and in the national electronic library ( publishes the entire completeness of personal data about the editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board and editorial board (last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work).
Reviewing articles. The journal “Financial Economics” reviews 100% of the materials received by the editorial board, corresponding to its subject, for the purpose of their expert assessment. Reviewers are determined by the Editorial Board from among recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and who have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years. Reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.
Informational openness of the journal. The editorial board of the journal “Financial Economics” has an official website in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (, where information about the publishing house, the editor-in-chief, the composition of the editorial board and / or the editorial board is published in the open access in Russian and English indicating the academic degree, academic rank, position and, place of work of all its members, contact information, description of the subject of the journal; rules for sending, reviewing and publishing scientific articles; rules for the compilation of annotations and keywords for all scientific articles and reviews published by the publication in the last 5 years.
The journal “Financial Economics” provides the RSCI with information on published scientific articles. Full-text materials of articles are placed in the national electronic library
Publishing metadata of scientific articles. Each article is preceded by full information about the author (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, title, position, place of work, address, e-mail. These data are present in the publication and in Internet resources in Russian and English).
Each article must contain an abstract in Russian and English (250-350 words) and keywords (at least 7).
For each article, bibliographic lists are drawn up in the format established by GOST. They usually contain 10-15 sources. Bibliographic lists are compulsorily transliterated.
Rules for the formulation of articles. The journal’s website publishes the rules for submitting and formatting articles, which, if necessary, are additionally sent to the authors of the articles.
Strict periodicity. Frequency of publication: in 2009-2015, one issue every two months, 6 issues per year. Since 2016, the magazine has been published quarterly – 4 issues per year. Since the second half of 2018, the magazine has been published monthly.
Storage of published materials. Published articles are provided with permanent storage:
Mandatory mailing addresses;
On the website of the Financial Economics magazine (;
In the national electronic library (
The index in the catalog of the agency “Rospechat”, “Ural Press” – 45931.
Circulation 800 copies.
Editor-in-Chief: V.I. Bespyatykh
Editorial office address:
Russia, 125190, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 80, bldg. 17